External File Transactions

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to view detailed information gathered during the processing of an external file.

This window can also be used to manually test the definition of an external file. To do so, create a new header record in this window and then use the right mouse button options for Input or Output file to manually perform each step in the input or output process.

For every line (transaction) containing a record type, additional values will be displayed in a detail section, namely those values related to the unpacked values for input files and the values created before packing an output file. Each detail column will get a header corresponding to the Description for each column in the External File Template/Detail tab.

Activity Diagrams

Process External Input File
Create External Output File


Create External Load
Define External Load Parameters
Perform Complete Input Flow
Load External Input File
Unpack External Input File
Call Input Package Method
Correct Unpacked Data
Perform Complete Output Flow
Call Output Package Method
Pack External Output File
Create External Output File
Correct Pack Errors
Remove External Transactions
View External File Transactions