Enter Cycle Schedules


Use this activity to enter cycle-based schedules of working hours. A cycle, in this case, is a repeating series of days. The simplest example is the typical eight-hour workday, conducted Monday through Friday. The cycle in this case is a sequence of seven days, five of which are working days and two that are not. This cycle is repeated week after week, and therefore it is not necessary to enter every day and week into the system. The cycle is valid without restrictions both in the past as well as in the future. Restrictions, if any, are defined when the cycle is linked to an employee, as the assignment period is defined by the effective from and effective to dates.

Note that the cycle can be of any length. Typically, cycle lengths are one or several weeks. Multi-week cycles are for personnel working shifts, and they are also frequently used by part-time personnel.

There are two ways to define the working hours in the cycle:

The first option creates a day-type dependent schedule that contains references to the day types. Day types define the composition of the day in terms of normal time, overtime, lunch, and breaks. The intervals are also connected to wage codes, which are used in the interface to the payroll system.

The other option is to enter the sum of working hours per day. This allows you to create schedules without using the day types. This is the simplest way to describe an employee's working hours.

The option you need to use is determined by the level of detail required by the other installed components. IFS/Time & Attendance, when combined with some data-capture equipment, typically requires the Day type option. The same is true for the WO and PM planning functions when the personnel are planned from one hour to the next. An installation of IFS/Payroll without IFS/Time and Attendance will, in most cases, require only the working hours option.

The cycle schedule is supplemented by the substitute working hours schedule. The substitute schedule contains the dates on which the cycle schedule information is incorrect. Public holidays that occur on a weekday is the most common reason for using a substitute schedule.


The Shift field is used to identify the sequence numbers in the cycle that will later be used when assigning a cycle schedule to an employee. Only the sequence numbers that hold a shift value will be available for assignment. For further details about Shift please follow the link.


Before entering a cycle schedule:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the cycle schedule can be connected to the employees.


Working Hours Schedules/Cycle Schedules

Related Window Descriptions

Cycle Schedules


Investigate which cycles should be used by mapping the companies current general working hour schedules and the individual schedules used. Enter the ID for each required schedule in the Working Hours Schedules/Cycle Schedules tab. Add the cycle definition in the Schedule Details window available from the right mouse button options.

You connect the schedule to the employee in, e.g., the Employee Schedules and Rules window. The cycle schedule can also be connected to the employee in the Availability Planning window.