Execute Business Analytics Report


This activity is used to execute Asset Design reports that are designed, saved and published in IFS/Business Analytics. Execution of a published report can be performed on Design Objects. However, these reports need to be registered in the respective design object class in order to make them executable. It is possible to export an executed BA report as a pure excel report (without BA design) and import it back to BA with the modifications. These modifications can also be written back (deploy data) into the Database.


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Execute Business Analytics Reports


Use the appropriate procedure/s to execute a report, designed by IFS Business Analytics.

Execute the Report

  1. Open and Design Object window and search for a Design Object ID. Make sure that the Class of the queried Design Object does have BA reports registered.
  2. Click right mouse option Execute Business Analytics Reports  to open up Execute Business Analytics Report dialog.
  3. Check on the selected default report . Optionally, click on the list values and change it if required.
  4. Click OK to execute the report.
  5. Login to IFS Business Analytics application.
  6. Enter the parameter values if required by the report and set OK.
  7. Microsoft XL is opened up with the populated Business Analytics report.

Export the Report

  1. Stand on the executed mode of the report. (Report Book button is selected)
  2. Select Export to Excel Report button on the Report Book Panel. It results in to open Export to Excel Report dialog.
  3. Change the option Export to Excel Report for Later Import. The default option Export Excel Report can be kept, if Import is not a concern.
  4. Open the Export Excel Report without BA tab and select the appropriate save and distribution option.
  5. Enter the required File Path and the File Name.
  6. Open the Save BA Report tab and check Save BA Report to Archive option is selected.
  7. Click on the Export button on the dialog.
  8. Go to the saved location and open the Excel report. The report is opened without BA now.
  9. Do the required modification that need to be write back in to the database and save them.

Import the Report

  1. Stand on the executed mode of the report. (Report Book button is selected)
  2. Select Import From Excel Report button on the Report Book Panel. It results in to open Import From Excel Report dialog.
  3. Open the Source File tab.
  4. Browse for the exported and modified report.
  5. Open the Target BA Report tab. Select the option Report From BA Export Archive and Re-Execute Before Import options.
  6. Click on the Import button on the dialog.
  7. Enter the parameter values if required by the report and set OK. The write back data should successfully be imported now.

Write Back the Report

  1. Stand on the executed mode of the report. (Report Book button is selected)
  2. Select Writeback button on the Report Book Panel. It results in to open the Writeback panel.
  3. Click on the Collect Modified Datasets button on the Writeback panel header. All modified data are listed down in different data sets.
  4. Click on the Collective Writeback button on the Writeback panel header.
  5. Check the status message of each writeback cell.