Create ID Model and Connect to Class


This activity is used to set up the ID model fields and connect a Design Object or Design Part ID Model to a relevant Class. All members of the connected class will then share the same ID Model. ID model fields determine the label text for the primary and secondary ID sets of a design object or design part.

It is mandatory to have a Default ID model for both objects and design parts to proceed with setting up the plant structure. An ID model which is defined for all design object classes (%) will be the Default Design Object ID model, and an ID model which is defined for all design part classes (%) will be the Default Design Part ID model. It is always possible to overwrite the default model by defining a new class-ID model connection.


A standard must exist. In order to apply ID Models, a class should be defined and available.

System Effects

ID models and their class connections will be established.


ID Model
ID Models

Related Window Descriptions

ID Model
ID Models
Standards/ID Model


  1. Open the ID Model or ID Models window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select a standard for which the ID Model will apply.
  4. In the ID Model Name field, enter a name for your ID Model.
  5. Click Save
  6. In the General tab, fill in the values for the Primary and Secondary ID fields you will be using. For example, the value for the primary ID field 01 can be Department, primary ID field 02 can be Type, and primary ID field 03 can be Number.
  7. In either/both of the Design Object Class or Design Part Class tabs click New, depending on whether you want the ID Model to be connected to a design object class or a design part class.
  8. In the Class Name field, use the List of Values to select and enter the required class to be connected to the ID Model. Optionally it is possible to use values with wild cards such as (%) or (PUMP%), where the first option (%) makes it the Default ID Model.
  9. Click Save

You can also create an ID Model on the Standard window. Open the Standard window, query for the standard for which the ID Model is being created and perform steps 1-7 with the exception of 3, as the ID Model will be created for the standard displayed in the header of the Standard window.