Request for Order Quotations in Asset Design

A Request for Order Quotation (RFQ) is a formal method to gain information about a piece of equipment for which specific purchasing information is not known (price, materials, exact dimensions and availability, among others). Often a RFQ has multiple documents attached to it that further define the needed item. These documents might be CAD drawings and process requirements specifications, among others.

When purchasing equipment for a design, two situations arise:

A RFQ is created for an object in IFS/Asset Design and sent to IFS/Purchasing. This object may have an attached design part, but this is not a definite requirement. A RFQ is created from a wizard and one or more documents related to the object can be attached. More than one RFQ can be created for an object. If more than one RFQ exists for an object, the RFQs will open in a dialog box and you will be able to choose the RFQ to navigate to. To delete a RFQ, navigate to the RFQ and delete the row.