Enter Customer Contact


This activity is used to enter the contact names and information related to a customer on a support agreement. You can add the contacts that are defined here to a case, using the Add Contact from Support Agreement right mouse button option. However, if the Support to Named Contacts Only check box is selected, a message will appear if a contact who is not specified in the support agreement is connected to a case. This indicates that only authorized contact persons are allowed to use the support agreement.


System Effects


Support Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Support Agreement
Support Agreement/Customer Contacts


  1. Open the Support Agreement window and query for the relevant record.
  2. Click the Customer Contacts tab.
  3. Select a row on the lower table and double-click to create a new contact (F5).
  4. Enter a value in the Contact Name field. Use the Add Contact From Customer right mouse button option to select a contact name related to the particular customer, or the Add Contact from User right mouse button option to select a contact name from all the users.
  5. Optionally, enter values in the Job Title, Email, Phone and Mobile fields.
  6. Optionally, select the Main Contact, Mail To and Mail Cc check boxes.
  7. Optionally, enter a value in the Comments field.
  8. Save the record (F12).