Finish Tasks


This activity is used to finish a maintenance task (i.e., pending task, convenience task). Additional information, such as, the work performed, competence and material used, functional breakdown for faults and rename information for modification, must be defined before the task can be finished. Furthermore, sign off must have been performed if sign off requirements have been defined on the task. If this information has already been entered on the task, you can directly set the task to finished by clicking Finish on the Finish Task assistant. If this information has not been entered, you can enter the relevant data in the different steps of the assistant when finishing the task.

For fault tasks, the number of required levels in the functional breakdown will be controlled by an object property setting. For more information on object properties, refer to the activity Verify/Adjust Default Object Properties.

This activity can be used to finish a modification task, where the modification being completed introduces one or more new structure positions into a template structure or removes an existing structure position from the template structure. When a new structure position is added to a template structure as a result of a modification, an empty structure position will be added automatically to the serial structure for which the modification is embodied. If an existing structure position has become invalid as a result of the modification, this structure position will be removed from the template when the modification is embodied. When this is done, the empty structure position that corresponds with the removed position will be removed automatically from the serial structure for which the modification is embodied. Empty structure positions are used to indicate where expected serials or parts are missing from a serial structure.

If pre-posting is required, code part information must have been defined on the serial. Code part information consists of the cost center and object. Code parts will be retrieved from the serial for which the task is distributed, for the applicable company. For more information, refer Code Part Information in IFS/VIM. The defined code part information can be viewed in the Pre Posting dialog box.

The tasks that are distributed as a simplified work order will be handled from IFS/VIM (IFS/Vehicle Information Management). However, transactions are created automatically in IFS/Work Order Management through which tracking of financial transactions is made possible.

If a modification task leading to a part identity change exists and this modification has the execution type Terminating Action, the assigned and/or affected serial will be renamed to include the new part number and revision once the modification is embodied. In order to perform the automatic renaming of a serial once the task is embodied, the new part number and revision for the serial must have been entered on the modification (i.e., in the Change to Part Number and Change to Part Revision fields). Furthermore, when the modification task is embodied, the system will perform a check to validate the following information before renaming the serial:

When the part number is changed on a serial, the template information on the serial is often changed as well and will automatically be updated. If the serial has a structure and the old template information for the structure of the serial does not match the new template structure information, the operational condition of the serial will be set to Non Operational when renamed. When the template information is valid for both the old and new part numbers, the operational condition of the new serial will be the same as the operational condition on the old serial. You can choose to update the operational log history, replacement history as well as other history records with the new part number.


The following prerequisites exist when entering detail information on a task:

System Effects


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Included Tasks
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str. 
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details


Use this procedure to finish a task with the distribution type Simplified Work Order:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Click the Included Tasks tab. Note: This procedure can also be performed from the task level of the maintenance order navigator or the Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details tab.
  3. Select the task, right-click, point to Status, and then click Finish. The Finish Task - Enter General Info assistant step opens.
  4. In the Man-hours Used field, enter a numerical value for the total amount of time taken on the task.
  5. Enter the type of person competence used on the task in the Competence field.
  6. A description of the work performed on the task needs to be entered in the Work Description field.
  7. Click Next.
  8. The Finish Task - Enter Fault Info assistant step opens if the task type is Serial Repair.
  9. Select a fault mode by using the List of Values for the Fault Mode field. When you enter a value in this field the entire functional breakdown and fault code defined on the fault mode will automatically appear.
  10. Use the List of Values to enter the function breakdown in the Function, Sub Function and Bottom Function fields.
  11. Enter a value in the Fault Code field. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  12. A value in the Cause Code field is required if the fault action is Already Repaired. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  13. Click Next.
  14. The Finish Task - Enter Modification Info assistant step opens if the task type is Modification.
  15. Select a value in the New Execution Type field.
  16. Select the Terminate Inspections check box if you want to terminate the inspections of the modification.
  17. Enter text in the Mod Execution Remark field for the execution of inspections.
  18. Click Next.
  19. In the Finish Task - Enter Material List assistant step, you can enter information on the material consumed on the task.
  20. Create a new record (F5).
  21. In the Part Number field enter the part number of the consumed material. Click List to select a value.
  22. If the selected part is a serial part you need to enter a value in the Serial Number field. Click List to select a value.
  23. Enter the required quantity for the part in the Quantity field.
  24. Click Save.
  25. Click Next.
  26. In the Finish Task - Enter Operational Parameter Values assistant step you can enter operational parameter values.
  27. Right-click and then click Suggest Operational Values. The current operational parameter values will be populated.
  28. You can update the values in the Value After Overhaul and Value Total fields if necessary.
  29. Click Save.
  30. Click Next.
  31. In the Finish Task - Part Identity Change on Serials in Structure assistant step you can enter information on any part revision or affected part in the structure that is to be renamed.
  32. If the maintenance program is to be changed on the serial being renamed, enter the new maintenance program in the Maint Program ID field. Click List to select a valid value.
  33. If the maintenance program was changed, you can enter the new revision of the maintenance program in the Maint Program Revision field. Click List to select a valid value.
  34. If the maintenance group is to be changed on the serial being renamed, enter the new maintenance group in the Maint Group field. Click List to select a valid value. Note: When the maintenance group is changed, the operational parameters are changed according to the new maintenance group.
  35. By default, the Disconnect Serial from Maint Program check box is selected when no valid maintenance program exists for the new part number and revision. This check box cannot be updated.
  36. Select the Update Operational Log History check box if you want to update operational log history records for the serial with the new part number and revision.
  37. Select the Update Replacement History check box if you want to update replacement history records for the serial with the new part number and revision.
  38. Select the Update Other History check box if you want to update other history records for the serial with the new part number and revision.
  39. When the part number of the serial is changed the template of the serial must be changed as well. Enter the new template number in the Template Part No field. Click List to select a valid value.
  40. Enter the new template part revision in the Template Part Rev field. Click List to select a valid value.
  41. Enter the required structure position of the new template part revision in the Structure Position field. Click List to select a valid value.
  42. If the manufacturer of the serial is to be changed, enter the new manufacturer's number in the Manufacturer Number field. Click List to select a valid value.
  43. If a new manufacturer is entered or if the manufacturer part number for the existing manufacturer is changed, enter the new manufacturer part number in the Manu Part Number field. Click List to select a valid value.
  44. Click Finish to close the assistant and finish the task.

Use this procedure to finish a task with the distribution type Work Order or Execution Logic Structure:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Click the Included Tasks tab. Note: This procedure can also be performed using the Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details tab.
  3. Select the task, right-click, point to Status, and then click Finish.
  4. The first step of the assistant contains an informational message. If you have already entered addition information on the task, click Finish. If not, click Next to enter relevant information.
  5. Continue with steps 8 to 44 described above.