Register Operational Parameter Values


This activity is used to register operational parameter values for a task. These operational parameter values will be displayed when the task is finished (i.e., when using the Finish Task assistant), at which time you can change these values, if necessary.

If operational parameter values are not registered, the default values are used when the task is finished. To get default values, right-click the operational parameter, and then click Suggest Operational Values. For more information, refer to the activity Fetch Operational Values for Maintenance Date.


To perform this activity, the task for which operational parameter values are to be registered must have been distributed with the distribution type Simplified Work Order, Work Order or Execution Logic Structure.

System Effects


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Supply Task Info
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Supply Task Info/Oper Param


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab. In the graphical object structure select the required task, and then click the Supply Task Info sub tab.
  3. Click the Oper Param tab.
  4. In the Value After Overhaul field, enter the accumulated value after the last overhaul.
  5. In the Value Total field, enter the accumulated total value for the serial.
  6. Save the record (F12).