Create Compatible Unit


This activity is used create a compatible unit structure by evaluating the conditions and actions defined against the characteristic values defined in the configuration. Once the required characteristic values are defined and the configuration is in  Configured status it is possible to create the Compatible unit structure. Create Compatible Unit dialog box will be raised when the configuration achieves Configured status or it is possible to access it through the right click option Evaluate in the Define Compatible Unit Configuration window. The required information to create a Compatible unit such as Company, Plant, Project ID can be defined through this dialog. While the Site, Maint Org and Default Activity Sequence can be selected to create the execution items and their requirements within the compatible unit structure.


A configuration for the compatible unit template must exist with status Configured.

System Effects


Compatible Unit Template Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Template Navigator
Create Compatible Unit
Define Compatible Unit Configuration


Create Compatible Unit through a new configuration

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator, right click and click Configuration and select Create.
  2. Define the all the characteristic values and save
  3. The configuration obtains Configured status and Create Compatible Unit dialog box raise automatically.
  4. In the Company field, enter the company for which the compatible unit structure need to be connected.
  5. Enter values in Plant and Project fields, if required.
  6. In the in Site field, enter the site to which the execution items and their requirements within the compatible unit need to be connected.
  7. Enter values in Default Activity Sequence and Maint Org fields if required.
  8. Click OK.

Create Compatible Unit through an existing Configuration

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator, right click and click Configuration and select View.
  2. Select a configuration in Compatible Unit Template Configurations window right click and click Configuration.
  3. Open the Create Compatible Unit dialog through right click option Evaluate in Define Compatible Unit Configuration window.
  4. In the Company field, enter the company for which the compatible unit structure need to be connected.
  5. Enter values in Plant and Project fields, if required.
  6. In the in Site field, enter the site to which the execution items and their requirements within the compatible unit need to be connected.
  7. Enter values in Default Activity Sequence and Maint Org fields if required.
  8. Click OK.