Define Configuration Criteria


This activity is used to create and view configurations to configure different compatible unit revisions, with different configuration characteristic inputs. All the characteristics defined to the configuration family connected to the compatible unit template, will be listed and each of these characteristics must have a value for the configuration to obtain Configured status . If anyone of the characteristic value is missing except it has a default value then the configuration will be set to NotConfigured status.


Configure an already existing parent compatible unit or configure a new compatible unit revision

Configure compatible unit structure from a compatible unit template

System Effects

A configuration will be created.


Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Unit Template Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Unit Template Navigator
Define Compatible Unit Configuration
Define Compatible Unit Configurations


Configure an already existing parent compatible unit

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator window.
  2. Search for a record to be configured.
  3. Right-click and click Configure Compatible Unit and then click Create.
  4. In Define Compatible Unit Configuration window enter a description in the Configuration Directive field, if required.
  5. In the table enter the relevant characteristic values in the Char Value field.
  6. Save the information

Configure a new compatible unit revision

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator window.
  2. Search a parent compatible unit, to configure a new revision.
  3. Right-click and click Configure New Revision.
  4. In Define Compatible Unit Configuration window enter a description in the Configuration Directive field, if required.
  5. In the table enter the relevant characteristic values in the Char Value field.
  6. Save the information

Configure compatible unit structure from a compatible unit template

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Template Navigator window.
  2. Search for a record to configure a compatible unit structure.
  3. Right-click and click Configure and then click Create.
  4. In Define Compatible Unit Configuration window enter a description in the Configuration Directive field, if required.
  5. In the table enter the relevant characteristic values in the Char Value field.
  6. Save the information.