Compatible Unit Configurator

Description of process

Compatible unit configurator is a  process which is being used to configure and create multiple revisions of compatible unit estimates. Each estimate can be configured by varying the design attributes depending on the design and geographical requirements. This process supports the design engineer in comparing and deciding the best economical practice to complete the compatible unit construction. It is equipped with a an automated evaluation process controlled by configuration rules associated to design attributes. In a summary, compatible unit configuration is a guide of procedures which facilitate the design engineer to build up different compatible unit structure estimate revisions conveniently.

Create Compatible Unit Template

The initial stage of configuration is defining the Compatible Unit template. This template is made possible to register all possible alternatives of sub unit and execution item  templates. Connection between a compatible unit template and a configuration family needs to be established in order to inherit and use the respective design attributes by the template.

Manage Compatible Unit Template

This process concerns to prepare the best compatible unit template structure which could satisfy all design scenarios. It includes defining all alternatives of sub unit templates and execution item templates. Each execution item template is possible to define with possible cost association alternatives such as labor, material and tools. Template structure can also be upgraded or revised through a new revision.

Compatible Unit Configuration

Configuration of a compatible unit can be performed in three steps. Those are, Define Configuration Rules, Define Criteria and Evaluate Configuration.

Define Configuration Rules

This process is used to define and manage configuration rules for all alternative items in the compatible unit template structure. Rules on the each alternative such as sub units, execution items, jobs, operations, materials and tools need to be defined properly with correct conditions and/or actions. These conditions are triggered and actions are performed at the evaluation phase based on the different design requirements.

Define Criteria

This process is used to define the exact criteria for the compatible unit configuration. Different definitions needs to defined in order to handle various design and geographical requirements. This is handled by varying the values for design attributes. These design attributes required by the criteria is provided by the configuration family. Each definition will result into new estimate revision of a compatible unit structure.

Evaluate Configuration

This process is used to evaluate the configuration rules defined on the compatible unit template structure based on the design requirement input. It act as an automatic process when the configuration criteria is saved. However, the process could be paused partially and continue later when appropriate. This process is supported by an evaluation assistant activity.