Repair Line

On the repair lines are the part number and the quantity to be repaired defined. All possible actions for a component repair order are done on a line level; such as receipt of repair parts, selection of service types, calculation of cost lines etc. It is on the repair line the preferred repair order type is selected. There are four repair order types to choose between:

Work order: Suited for simple repairs in a work order environment.

Repair shop order: Suited for simple repairs in a shop order environment.

Multilevel repair shop order: Suited for advanced repairs in a shop order environment when a requirement exists to update and maintain a multilevel tracked part’s as build structure.

External service order: Suited for both simple- and advanced repairs in both a work order- and a shop order environment.

Disposition shop order: Suited for advanced repairs in a shop order environment.

It is possible to create new part lines for an existing component repair order as long as the status is Released.