Modify Exchange Code


This activity is used to select a different exchange code for an exchange line. You can only change the exchange code before dispatched items have been approved by the customer and received items have been confirmed.


To perform this activity, an exchange line in the Planned, Released or InExchange status must exist.

System Effects


Component Repair Order

Related Window Descriptions

Component Repair Order
Component Repair Order/Exchange Lines
Modify Exchange Code


  1. Open the Component Repair Order window.
  2. Search for a component repair order with exchange lines.
  3. Click the Exchanges tab and locate the line for which you want to change the exchange code. 
  4. Select the line, right-click and select Modify Exchange Code. The Modify Exchange Code dialog box is opened.
  5. Select a value in the New Exchange Code field. Use List to select a suitable value.
  6. Click OK. The exchange code on the exchange line will now be updated.

Note: If an exchange code with the attribute Add Repair Line is selected, the dialog box for creating a connected repair line will appear automatically upon saving the record.