Create Simulated Purchase Costs


Use this function to Create Simulated Purchase Costs.


System Effects

A purchase simulation table is filled with data..


Create Simulated Purchase Costs

Related Window Descriptions

Create Simulated Purchase Costs


  1. Open the Create Simulated Purchase Costs window.
  2. In the Site field, specify the site for which you want costs generated.
  3. In the Part No field, specify a part at the specified site.
  4. In the Cost Set field, specify which cost set you want to use for the generation.
  5. In the Struct. Alt. field, specify which structure alternative to use. Default is "*".
  6. In the Rout. Alt. field, specify which routing alternative to use. Default is "*".
  7. In the Stop Roll list box, select whether the cost generation should stop at the specified part (Stop Cost Rollup) or not (Not Stop Cost Rollup). Default is Not Stop Cost Rollup.
  8. If the calculation is performed for a serial part and serial numbers are used, click List in the Effective Serial No field and select the serial number.
  9. Specify an effective date. Default is today's date.
  10. In the Control group box, specify the supplier in the Supplier field or the currency in the Currency field.
  11. Click OK.