Study Cost Variance per Bucket


Use this function to compare part costs from different buckets. You can choose to study all buckets connected to the part, or define a variance factor for the buckets you want to study.


System Effects


Part Cost Bucket Variance

Related Window Descriptions

Cost Bucket Variance
Cost Bucket Variance/Cost Build-Up/Cost Set


  1. Open the Part Cost Bucket Variance window.
  2. Select the part for which you want to compare bucket costs.
  3. Select one of the radio buttons to specify whether you want to study all buckets, or just some of them. If you select to study some of the buckets, define the variance factor in the corresponding field.
  4. Click the Cost Build-Up/Cost Set tab.
  5. In the Cost Set list boxes, select the different cost sets for which you want to compare the bucket costs.