Edit Comment File


Use this activity to edit a redline (comment) file. If the file is checked out, you will not be able to edit it until it is checked in again. The redline application will be started with the original file name as argument. The redline application then has to create the redline file, which will later be checked in when the user performs the Check In Comment File right mouse button operation. If a redline file already exists, the redline application will open it when it finds it on disk. Different redline applications work differently in how the redline files are created and handled. The redline/comment functionality in IFS Document Management is compatible with how the redline tool RxHighlight works.


System Effects


Document Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revision
Document Revision/General


  1. Query for a document revision that has an attached file with a corresponding redline file.
  2. Right-click, click Comment, and then click Edit to start the redline application.