Enter General Customer Payment Info


This activity is used for entering general information about customer payments. Values for cash account and cash currency should be stated. General information to be entered includes payment date, voucher date, user group, voucher type, cash currency, and amount. If bank fee is debited, details of payment fees are entered. You can enter payment currencies other than the company's accounting currency and exchange rates other than proposed. Details, such as date and user group, are also handled in this activity.

The bank fee can be entered in the payment and accounting currencies if the two are different. In Posting Control, you can enter how the company’s bank fees are to be automatically posted. The same posting rule is used for the bank fee in both currencies if they differ.


General basic data and customer must exist. If more than one company is receiving cash, this activity requires that PP22 is set up in Posting Control for the company that receives cash for invoices from another company. PP23 must be set up for the company whose invoice was paid and did not receive the cash but should have. IP1 is for customer invoice reversal, credit to the Accounts Receivable account, which reduces the Accounts Receivable balance. PP1 is for recording of cash received from the customer, which is an increase in cash. An increase in cash is recorded as a debit.

Note: There is no automatic transfer of funds between the companies concerned if a company other than the cash receiving company is entered in the company field. This must be carried out manually by using the Voucher Entry window in IFS/Accounting Rules. One voucher must be entered in each company.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the registration of payment transactions can continue.


Customer Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Payment/General


To enter a new payment:

  1. Open Customer Payment. Click the General tab and create a new record.
  2. Modify the payment date if required.
  3. Enter a cash account ID in the Cash Account field using the List of Values.
  4. Modify the voucher date, period, user group and/or voucher type if required.
  5. Enter information relating to the payment in the Voucher Text field, if required.
  6. Create a new record in the table.
  7. Enter relevant values in the Pay Amount in Pay Curr, Amount in Acc Curr, Fee in Pay Curr and Fee in Acc Curr fields. Modify the values in Payment Currency and Bank Transaction Code fields if required.
  8. Select the Transactions tab to continue entry.