Rollback Customer Bill of Exchange


This activity is used to rollback a customer bill of exchange to its immediate previous status. You can rollback a customer bill of exchange from the following status:

If the settling of the customer bill of exchange is done using a mixed payment, then the roll back can be done only after canceling the mixed payment. 


A customer bill of exchange should exist in a status other than the Cancelled, UnpaidSettled, or Created status.

System Effects


Customer Bills of Exchange

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Bills of Exchange


  1. Open the Customer Bills of Exchange window.
  2. Select the customer bill of exchange you want to rollback, right-click and then click Rollback BoE.
  3. The Rollback Bill of Exchange dialog box will open with the voucher information for the rollback that was performed. Click OK to confirm.
    A message will appear indicating the change of status (the previous status and the present status) in the rollback. 
  4. Click OK to confirm.