Find Duplicates


This activity is used to search for other leads or customers with the same or similar name or association number.


A business lead record must have been entered and saved.

System Effects



Find Duplicates

Related Window Descriptions

Find Duplicates


  1. Open the Business Lead window.
  2. Query for a lead record.
  3. Right-click and select the Duplication Check option to open the Find Duplicates dialog box. All customers and leads with the same name and association number will be listed in the dialog box.
  4. Optionally, you can edit the values in the Name or the Association No fields and click Find to do a new search.
  5. Optionally, you can click on Customers or Leads to view only customer or lead records.
  6. If you want to merge your lead to one of the customers or leads listed in the dialog box, select the record and click Merge to open the Merge Lead or Merge Lead to Customer form.