Enter Configuration Characteristics


This activity is used to define configuration characteristics for configurable base parts. These characteristics are used in determining configuration specifications and rules for configurable parts.


IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must be installed.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, configuration characteristics are available for use by configuration families.


Configuration Characteristic

Related Window Descriptions

Configuration Characteristic


  1. Open the Configuration Characteristic window and create a new record.
  2. In the Characteristic ID field enter a new ID and in the Description field enter a relevant description.
  3. In the Config Data Type list, select either Alpha or Numeric.
  4. In the Config Value Type list, select Discrete Option (a list of mutually exclusive choices) or Variable Value (the characteristic comes from a potentially infinite range of values) or Package (a list of mutually exclusive package choices).
  5. In the Client Display list, select either Standard (characteristic will be displayed during configuration) or Hidden (characteristic will not be displayed during configuration)
  6. If you want to add a note, right-click and then click Notes. In the Notes dialog box that appears enter a note and click OK.
  7. In the Unit field, enter an applicable unit or click List to select one from the List of Values.
  8. In the Mandatory Qty field, click Yes if you want a quantity to be specified for the characteristic value in the configuration.
  9. Save the changes.
  10. If you selected Discrete Option or Package in the Config Value Type field, then enter the relevant values in the Option Value ID, Option Description and Notes fields.
  11. If you need to add more option values, create a new record in the table.
  12. Save the changes.