Create External Load


Use this activity to create an external load header to be used for further processing of input or output files.

This is useful if the input or output process should be executed in steps, where each step can be verified and examined manually. A typical situation is when a new file type and/or template has been created and the definitions must be validated. First start by creating an external load header, then add parameters if any and then perform the input steps or the output steps one-by-one.


System Effects

An external load is created with state Empty and can be seen in the External File Transactions window. The load can be referred to when continuing with further steps in the input or output process.


External File Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

External File Transactions


  1. Open the External File Transactions window.
  2. Click New.
  3. Supply external file type. Use List Of Values to view available file types.
  4. Supply parameter set if the default one should not be used.
  5. Supply external file template. Available templates are those that are valid, active,  have template definitions for input and/or output files and that are associated with the external file type.
  6. Change Input Direction if necessary. It is not possible to change input direction if the template definition does not support the chosen direction.
  7. Supply path and file name for input file and output file handling. Click Browse to browse the network for file (input) or path (output).
  8. Click Save to save the external load definition.