Define or Update Automatic Currency Update Tasks


Use this activity to define the so-called task definitions which are used by the Automatic Currency Update Wizard to update currency rates in several companies using information from one currency rate file.


Companies to be referenced must be available to the current user. The currency type specified must exist in the associated company.

System Effects

The definition can be used by the Automatic Currency Update Wizard.


Tasks for Currency Updates

Related Window Descriptions

Tasks for Currency Update


  1. Open the Tasks for Currency Updates window in IFS/Accounting Rules.
  2. Define a Task Identity and a description, then click Save.
    If the details of the Task Identity should also be updated, query for the task to be updated.
  3. Go to the detail section of the window.
  4. Define the detail records so that each record contains a company and a currency type in the company to be updated.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The task can be referenced via the Currency Update Assistant in IFS/Accounting Rules.