Check Create Company Log


This activity can be used when errors occur during the Create/Update Company process.

When a company is created or updated, the source for the processing is either a template or an existing company. If the source is a company, then the chance that errors occur is not as great as when creating from a template. This is because data in an existing company is considered consistent, while the data in a template might be inconsistent with the business logic of the application.

The log will contain a status per component that has been active in the process of creating/updating a company. It is easy to find out if the processing has been successful or not by looking at the status for each component. More detailed error information per component can also be displayed, thus making it possible to find out exactly in which Logical Unit the error(s) have occurred.

It is recommended that each component is checked with respect to errors in order to find out if:

Also note that when creating or updating a company, the user may be notified even if there are no errors, i.e., there is some other type of information for the user to consider. One example is when no company related data was found for a Logical Unit in the source company or template. This can be acceptable but is reported anyway.


A company must have been created in order to be able to see any log information. 

System Effects




Related Window Descriptions

Create Company Component Log


  1. Open the Companies window. Select a company, right-click and then click Company Log to launch the Create Company Component Log window.
  2. Verify the status of each component.
  3. Select one or more components, right-click and then click Company Log Details.
  4. Investigate errors reported per Logical Unit.
  5. Remove the company if too many errors appear, or use the Application to correct reported errors.