Check Template Log


This activity is used to check errors reported during the import or installation of Company Template related files.

If a template file is a valid file, i.e., it has correct structural contents that can be read by the Import function but the import goes wrong due to inconsistent data, then an error will be logged for each error found. All errors during the import will receive the same Log ID, and this will be displayed at the end of the import process.

Use the displayed ID to find all related errors in the Company Template Log window.

The following can cause errors during the import/installation process:

If an incorrect Company Template related language file is imported, then no errors will be logged.


Error logs will be generated only if you have imported company template files that are inconsistent with the registered component information. 

System Effects



Company Template Log

Related Window Descriptions

Company Template Log


  1. Open the Company Template Log window.
  2. If errors occurred at the end of the import process, query for the specified Log ID.
  3. Analyze the reported errors.
  4. Keep the template as an available template or delete the template, correct the source file (or get a new one) and try the import again.