Description of Set Up Basic Data Customer Credit Management

Description of process

The Description of Set Up Basic Data Customer Credit Management process describes BDR (Basic Data Required) for running the Customer Credit Management process. Check or/and add information according to the activities in the set up process before you start enter information.

The Customer Credit Management process is divided into five sub processes. The Customer Credit Information process, Reminders process, Interest Invoicing process, Write-Off Notice process and Follow-up and Analysis, Customer Credit Management. Each process with itīs own  basic data requirements. The BDRīs are separately described for each process work-flow. To be able to run the Customer Credit Management process IFS/Invoice and IFS/Payment must be installed.

Click the action symbols in the set up process to view detailed description on each activity.

Check and add information as described below:

Information concerning the contents of the Customer Credit Management process itself is found in each sub process. Click the notes symbol Description of Customer Credit Information to view the text for that specific sub process. The same notes symbol applies for all sub processes.The BDR (Basic Data Required) is also stated as a reminder when you click the requirement symbol.