Connect Fault Type to Function


This activity is used to connect a fault type to a function belonging to an item class. Fault types are used to define different types of deviations from the normal operations of a specific function. Furthermore, severities which can be connected to fault types define the severity of the fault to its function.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a fault type is connected to a function and a severity is defined for the fault.


Failure Analysis Setup Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Failure Analysis Setup Navigator
Failure Analysis Setup Navigator/Fault Type


  1. Open the Failure Analysis Setup Navigator window.
  2. Query for the item class.
  3. On the navigator on the left pane, navigate to the function for which you want to connect a fault type and click on it.
  4. Enter a value in the Fault Type field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. Additionally, enter a value in the Severity Rank field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  6. Optionally, enter text in the Note field.
  7. Save the record.