Define Workflow Configurations


This activity is used to define workflow configurations. On creating a new Configuration a weight can be assigned to each configuration in order to differentiate it in the mobile client if more than one configuration exist. Once the configuration is created the list of available actions will be pre-populated in actions tab. The user can specify which actions should be visible by checking the Used In Application and which action should be mandatory to perform in a work order by checking Mandatory. Filters section allow defining the criteria to which the configuration should apply on work orders in the device. Further, some of actions can be set in Action Flow tab in a sequence order such that in IFS Mobile Work Order client the actions are sequenced according to the configuration.  In Action Flow tab eForms can be connected to some actions like state actions & eForms. In mobile client those eForms are popping out at the points of workflow defined in the configuration. Only Mobile Workflow Configurable Workflow type eForms are applicable for Action Flow. eFrom Termination value can also be set for the eForms which are having termination question. Active Assortments & Active Integrations can be connected to relevant actions in Action Flow tab. The user can specify which actions should be mandatory to perform in a workflow by checking for mandatory . This Action Flow functionality is implemented only in iOS & Android clients. All active configurations will be synchronized to IFS Mobile Work Order client upon activating the device.



System Effects

As a result of this activity, enabling and disabling of actions according to the selected configuration will take place in the IFS mobile work order client. Further, certain actions will be mandatory to perform in processing work orders in the application.


Workflow Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Workflow Configuration
Workflow Configuration/Filters
Workflow Configuration/Actions
Workflow Configuration/Action Flow


Configuration without Action Flow

  1. Open the Workflow Configuration window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Configuration ID field, enter an identity.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the Configuration.
  5. In the WO Site field, enter one of the user allowed sites.
  6. In the Weight field, enter a suitable number to assign a weight to the Configuration.  
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. Available actions will be pre-populated in the Actions tab.
  9. Specify which actions should be used by selecting the Used in Application check box.
  10. Specify which actions should be mandatory to perform in the IFS Mobile Work Order client by selecting the Mandatory check box.
  11. In the Filters tab, specify suitable values to decide in what work orders the configuration will apply in the IFS Mobile Work Order client.
  12. Select the Active check box in the header.
  13. Save the updates (F12).

Configuration with Action Flow

Ground Rules: It is important to follow some basic rules to make a valid configuration with Action Flow

Action Flow – Basic Configuration

  1. Complete the steps for basic configuration mentioned above (without Action Flow).
  2. In Action Flow tab enter following actions in sequence order. ACCEPT->ONROUTE->ONSITE->WO_ACTIONS ->REPORT_IN_WORK_ORDER.
  3. Create and transfer a WO to mobile which applies above configuration.
  4. Synchronize the data in to mobile.
  5. Click on the WO.
  6. User will be guided to the next step in workflow as defined in Action Flow.  

Action Flow – Configuration with eForm as an action

  1. Complete the steps for basic configuration mentioned above (without Action Flow).
  2. In Action Flow tab enter following actions in sequence order. ACCEPT->ONROUTE->ONSITE->EFORMS->WO_ACTIONS ->REPORT_IN_WORK_ORDER.
  3. In EFORMS action line, keep eForm Termination value blank, add few eForms in eForm ID columns, Set mandatory check true.
  4. Create and transfer a WO to mobile which applies above configuration.
  5. Synchronize the data in to mobile.
  6. Click on the WO.
  7. Process the workflow till eForms screen is appeared with list of eForms, it is required to complete at least one eForm to go forward in workflow.

Action Flow – Configuration with state change eForm (Configurable Workflow)

  1. Complete the steps for basic configuration mentioned above (without Action Flow).
  2.  In Action Flow tab enter following actions in sequence order. ACCEPT->ONROUTE->ONSITE-> WO_ACTIONS ->REPORT_IN_WORK_ORDER.
  3. In ACCEPT action line, set Reject as the eForm Termination value, add an eForm with having a termination question in eForm ID column.
  4. Create and transfer a WO to mobile which applies above configuration.
  5.  Synchronize the data in to mobile.
  6. Click on the WO.
  7. Accept the WO, the eForm is popping up, disqualify the termination question.
  8. Reject the WO.

Action Flow – Configuration with Assortment filter

  1. Complete the steps for basic configuration mentioned above (without Action Flow).
  2.  In Action Flow tab enter following actions in sequence order. ACCEPT->ONROUTE->ONSITE-> RETURNS->PLANNED_MAT->NEW_MAT ->REPORT_IN_WORK_ORDER.
  3. In RETURNS, PLANNED_MAT and NEW_MAT action lines, add relevant Assortment IDs in Assortment column (assortments should have been connected to the mobile user).
  4. Create and transfer a WO to mobile which applies above configuration. Make sure to have some planned materials lines with parts connected to the assortment set in configurations for PLANNED_MAT action.
  5. Synchronize the data in to mobile.
  6. Click on the WO.
  7. Process the workflow and you can find data for above functions are filtered according to the assortment filters defined in configuration.

Action Flow – Configuration with Integrations

  1. Complete the steps for basic configuration mentioned above (without Action Flow).
  2. In Action Flow tab enter following actions in sequence order. ACCEPT->ONROUTE->ONSITE-> INTEGRATIONS ->REPORT_IN_WORK_ORDER.
  3. In INTEGRATION action line, set few Integration IDs in Integration Id column.
  4. Create and transfer a WO to mobile which applies above configuration.
  5. Synchronize the data in to mobile.
  6. Click on the WO.
  7. Process the workflow till you find the screen with list of integrations as defined in configuration.