Define Printers for Report and User


Use this activity to define exceptions to rules previously defined between users and printers and between reports and printers (combined with an optional language), and to connect printers to different users and reports (combined with an optional language). This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

This is useful when you wish to specify the printer used by a selected user printing a selected report.  When a document is created in connection with a batch job, e.g., a document in a work order process, the IFS Printer Service can be used to print the documents. In order to accomplish that, you must define which printer to use. If the system cannot find a printer for the report, the document will not be printed.

In addition, if there is a default printer defined for a specific report/user, it will be pre selected in the print dialog when ordering a report through the  Order Report.

The printer used will be prioritized according to the window in which it was entered, from highest to lowest priority:

  1. Report user printer ( entered in the Report User Printer window).
  2. Report printer ( entered in the Report Printer window).
  3. User printer ( entered in the User Printer window).

Physical printer definitions are maintained in IFS/Foundation. All available printers are logical printers. The list of available printers can be viewed, and the report/document printed to any printer, in the Archived Reports window.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Printer Definitions

Related Window Descriptions

Printer Definitions


To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Printer Definitions window and click the Report User Printer tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Report ID field, query for the report ID whose rules you want to change or select one from the List of Values.
  4. In the User ID field, select the user identity from the List of Values.
  5. Select a language from the List of Values if you want to define a printer for a special character set. This field is optional.
  6. In the Available Printer list, click the printer to use.
  7. To define the default printer, select the Default check box in the printer to use. Only one printer can be defined as the default printer.
  8. Save the changes.