Connect Functions to Project Items


You can connect project items to the functions on all structure levels.


System Effects


Project Product/Function Structure
Project Item Navigator/Functions

Related Window Descriptions

Project Product/Function Structure
Project Item Navigator/Functions


To connect functions to items in Project Product/Function Structure follow these steps:

  1. Select the function to which you want to connect to item(s).
    For each item you want to connect, follow steps 2 to 4.
  2. Create a new record in the table.
  3. Enter Item No for the part to connect (the List of Values is available).
  4. Save.

To connect functions to items in Project Item Navigator, follow these steps:

  1. Populate the window with the required item.
  2. If there exists no functions for this item, you first have to create a folder for the functions. Select the item in the graphical structure navigator, point to the right mouse button menu option Add and click on the Functions option.
  3. Select the Functions folder in the graphical navigator, and then select the Function tab displayed to the left.
  4. Insert a new record.
  5. Select a project function (the List of Values is available).
  6. If desired, fill in a note.
  7. Save.