Calculate Characteristics Attribute Rollup


Use the Calculate Characteristics menu option to calculate the characteristics for a part. Doing this is an efficient way of getting a summary of any numeric attribute for all parts in a structure. Calculations can be performed on numeric values only. You can insert any attribute available and execute a calculation even if the attribute itself does not exist in any of the parts in the structure.


The part and its structure must exist.

System Effects

The calculation process starts with all bottom parts and works its way up toward the part selected for calculation. If there is a manually entered value in the characteristics on one of the parts in the structure, the process ignores all parts below that part and uses the entered value instead. The value is always multiplied by the quantity.

The result of the calculation depends on the unit as well as the attribute. The unit is used to convert values in the characteristics if the attribute contains a unit other than the one entered in the calculation criteria. If you enter a unit that does not belong to the attribute, you get an error message' you are then required to specify the correct unit.

The algorithm of the calculation process is:

If manually inserted value exists
   calculated value = manually inserted value
   calculated value = sum of all calculated values in the structure below this level
End If
calculated value = calculated value * conversion factor * quantity



Related Window Descriptions

Part/Engineering/Characteristics Calc


  1. For each attribute you want to calculate, enter a line containing the part’s revision, attribute, and unit. The unit entered will be the unit used when the calculation result is presented.
  2. Save the lines.
  3. You can calculate only one attribute at a time. Highlight each line and select Calculate Characteristics from the menu. The calculation might take some time, depending on how large the part structures are.

At any time, you can execute a new calculation based on lines entered in the window.

The only columns you can modify are Attribute and Unit. By modifying either or both, you invalidate the calculation result and need to execute a new calculation to get a new result based on the change(s).

Removing records has no side effects. At any time after removal, you can enter the same line and execute a new calculation.