[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Apply Repeater


This activity is used to repeat rows and columns in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. A row/column will be repeated based on the display item selected for the repeater. For example, if the row repeater selected is account, then the report will display all the accounts available in the database. A range defined for a repeater is modified automatically when rows and columns are inserted or removed before the range of a repeater. The range will be expanded or if you insert rows or columns within the range of the repeater.

You can also define inner repeaters when there are more than one Microsoft Excel row within a design row. For example, if you use account group as the repeater (from row 5 to row 7), then you can use account as another repeater from row 6 to row 7. In this case, all the account groups will be displayed and within the account groups each relevant account in the account group will be displayed. The repeater you added for account group is referred to as the Outer Repeater and the repeater you added for account is referred to as the Inner Repeater.


Before assigning a repeater the basic report design should be created. The basic design should include either a measure or light item.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the executed report will include a result based on the repeater selected.

Related Process Model

Apply Design Elements

Related Activity

Select Display Items
Apply Filter Criteria
Apply Structure Repeaters
Apply Microsoft Excel Functionality


  1. Select display items in to a Row or Column using drag and drop.
  2. Select the number of rows or columns that you want to repeat.
  3. Click New Design Row or New design Column.
  4. Drag a display item from the Display Items pane into the Display Items field within the Repeater tab. The first repeater range will be defaulted based on the selected range in Microsoft Excel, but it is possible to modify the start and stop range manually.
  5. Selecting the All check box, indicates that all basic display items defined will be used for repeating. Otherwise only the items represented in the item table will be used for repeating.
    Note: The All check box is enabled only if the repeater is based on an item from a dimension. If more than one repeater is applied to a single design row and if the All check box is selected for these repeaters it will result in an error. In order to correct this error go to IFS Solution Manager and set the necessary parameter(s) to TRUE.
  6. Select the sorting order from the Sort list box. Ascending (Asc) is selected by default.
  7. To display a text when the repeater result is null, click the Adv button (Advanced) and go to Advanced Repeater Settings window. You can enter the relevant text which you want to display in the Empty Repeater Null Value field of the General tab.
  8. It is also possible to add an inner repeater to the design, drag display items from the Display Items pane in to a new line within the repeater range applied in step 4.

  9. Note: The repeater information will automatically be saved when the active selection is moved outside the pane or to another part of the pane.
  10. If you want to add an extended repeater to the design, click Adv button (Advanced) and go to Extended Repeater Connection tab of the Advanced Repeater Settings window. Enter the item id you want to add as the extended repeater in the Repeater Item ID field. List of Values can be used to select the relevant item.
  11. Click Run.

To remove a repeater:

Use of one the two methods mentioned below to remove a repeater:

Note: If all Repeater levels are removed the related Rows or Columns will also be removed.

To insert new repeater level

Change the order of repeaters