[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Building a Basic Report in Financials

Creating the basic design

  1. Logon to IFS Business Analytics
  2. Click Go to Design.
  3. Select GL Balance from the Select Information Sources dialog box.
  4. Select the display items Account Type, Account Description from Account and drag them in to the design area.
  5. Select the display item Balance from Measure Items and drag it in to the design area. Make sure all the displays items are placed within a single design row.

Adding repeaters to a Design Row

The repeaters that will be applied are account type and account for the purpose of creating this report.

  1. Select Row.
  2. Go to the Repeater tab.
  3. Click on New Design Row.
  4. Drag Account Type from Account to create an Outer Repeater.
  5. Drag Account from Account to create an Inner Repeater.

Adding a filter criteria to a Design Row

The filter criteria that is applied is logical account type for the purpose of creating this report.

  1. Select the design row.
  2. Go to the Filter Criteria tab.
  3. Drag and drop Logical Account Type from Account.
  4. The Equals operator will automatically be selected. Users can change this by opening the Select Operator list.
  5. Click the LoV and then select Revenue from the List of Values dialog box. If a company has not been applied to the report book then you may have to select a relevant company from the Enter Parameter Values dialog box and then apply the account type.
  6. Click Run to view the current status of the report.

Copying a Design Row

  1. Click Go to Design to get back to design mode.
  2. Select the design row you want to copy, right click and select Copy Design Row.
  3. Select the location you want to copy the design row to, right click and select Paste Design Row.

Inserting a Filter Criteria to the copied Design Row

  1. Select the design row you copied.
  2. Use the List of Values to select Cost from List of Values dialog box. If a company has not been applied to the report book then you may have to select a relevant company from the Enter Parameter Values dialog box and then select the account type.

Adding a repeater to a Design Column

  1. Select the column which displays the balance amount.
  2. Click New Design Column.
  3. Click the Repeater tab, drag and drop Year Period from Accounting Period.   
  4. Click Run.

Adding a filter criteria to a Design Column

  1. Select the column which displays the balance amount.
  2. Select the Filter Criteria tab and drag and drop the Year Period from the Accounting Period folder.
  3. The Equals operator will automatically be selected. Users can change this by opening the Select Operator list. Select the between operator from the list.
  4. Select Year Period between 200701 to 200706 from the List of Values.
  5. Click Run.

Applying parameters

  1. Click Report Book .
  2. Click Parameters.
  3. Click New parameter.
  4. Select Parameter Type as DispayItem from the list.
  5. Enter Company as the Parameter Name.
  6. Enter Company as the Description.
  7. Enter the Prompt Text as 'Enter Company Name' or any text appropriate.
  8. Select Company from Select Display Items list as the display item.
  9. Select a Default Value from List of Values dialog box.
  10. Drag Display Parameters to the design sheet as appropriate.
  11. Filter the row, column, sheet or book using the parameter created.
  12. Click Run.

Applying Zoom In

  1. Select the cell with the measure item Balance.
  2. Click the Zoom In tab.
  3. Select the Enable Zoom In check box. You can also clear any Zoom In Display Item check boxes which are listed in green.
  4. Click Run.
  5. In the executed mode select a Zoom In enabled item and right mouse click and select Zoom In. This will open a new excel sheet displaying the zoomed in information. Each Zoom In item will open in a new Excel sheet. Each new sheet that is loaded will have a reference made to the design sheet.

Applying Drill Down

  1. Select the measure item Balance.
  2. Click the Drill Down tab.
  3. Select the Enable Drill Down check box. The items defined as mandatory to support the URL function is displayed in bold red text.
  4. Click Run.
  5. In the executed mode select a drill down enabled item, right-click and select Drill Down. This will open an excel sheet displaying the drilled down information using related data sources.
  6. In the new sheet, select a row, right-click and select URL - Query Voucher GL. This will open the relevant window in IFS Applications.

Saving the report

  1. Click Save Report.
  2. Enter Report ID and Report Name as appropriate in the Save Report dialog box.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click OK in IFS Business Analytics dialog box.

Publicizing the report

  1. Click Publish Report.
  2. Select the report from Save and Publish Report dialog box if the report is already saved to the database. If it is a new report, then enter the Report ID and Report Name for the new report.
  3. Click Publish.