Change Expire Date


This activity is used to change the expire date of reports that are saved in the BA export archive during the export of Excel reports without BA functionality.

A default expire date is suggested for the report when it is archived during the export of Excel report without BA functionality. This default value is determined by a parameter called BA_ARCHIVE_REPORT_LIFETIME in the BA System Parameters window of IFS Solution Manager. A report is automatically removed from the BA export archive on its expire date.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report will be removed from the BA export archive on the date you specify.

Related Process Model

Manage BA Report Archive

Related Activity


To change the expire date:

  1. Click Manage Archive to open the Manage Archive dialog box. (Note: Once you export the Excel report without BA, you will be asked whether you want to manage the BA archive in a message. You can open this dialog box by clicking Yes.)
  2. Look for the report for which you want to change the expire date in the Report Selection tab and modify the expire date as required in the Expire Date field.
  3. Save the change.