Create Non-BA Sheet


This activity is used to create a Microsoft Excel sheet within a BA report to which the design elements of of IFS Business Analytics cannot be applied. The content of such a sheet can only be changed manually.


In order to perform this activity, no IFS Business Analytics design elements should be present on the sheet.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you will have a sheet in the report of which the content does not change when switching between the design mode and the execution mode.

It is also possible to refer to data ranges in the BA sheets from the non-BA sheets. (E.g. a pivot table can refer to a data set that was fetched to a BA sheet during a report execution)

Related Process Model

Apply Design Elements

Related Activity



To create a non-BA sheet:

  1. Select the sheet and go to the sheet level of the BA report
  2. Open the Options tab.
  3. Select the Non-BA Sheet check box to indicate that IFS Business Analytics design elements should not be applied to the sheet.
  4. Select the Auto Refreshing Enabled for Excel Pivots check box if you want any Microsoft Excel pivots that you may include in the non-BA sheet to be automatically refreshed when the report is executed.
  5. Save the information.