[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

IFS Business Analytics Toolbars

IFS Business Analytics Ribbon

Main Toolbar Icon Link to Option Description
Go to Report Go to Report Use this option to switch to the Report mode where you can view any executed report.
Run Report Run Starts the report execution process.
New Report New Report Opens a new IFS Business Analytics report.
Load Report

Load Report Opens the Load Report from Database dialog box. Use this to view a saved report.

Find Use this option to find the data items and parameters used in report design.
Save Report

Save Report Displays the Save Report dialog box. Use this dialog box to save a report in IFS Applications database without publishing them. Click Load Report in Design mode or report mode to retrieve a report for further design changes.
Publish Report

Publish Report Displays the Save and Publish Report dialog box. Use this dialog box to save reports to database and to publish reports in IFS Applications. These reports will be available through IFS Info Services. It is also possible to roll back published reports.
Manage Archive

Manage Archive Opens the Manage Archive dialog box. Use this to modify reports that are saved in the archive when exporting a Microsoft Excel report.
Report Manager

Report Manager Opens the Report Manager dialog box which is used to validate, download, bulk save and bulk republish Business Analytics reports that are already published.
Refresh All

Refresh All Click this to retrieve the latest changes made to an information source, global parameter or Business Analytics in general.
Validate Report

Validate Report This activity is used to validate BA reports which are published, saved or locally saved.
Document Actions

Document Actions Use this top open or close Document Actions pane
Report Actions

Report Options Opens the Report Options window.

Settings Opens the Report Settings window to change IFS Business Analytics general options.
Access Type

Access Type Opens the Customize Data Access Types dialog box that can be used to change the data access type of information sources when more than one information source is used in a report.

About Displays the About IFS Business Analytics dialog box. Use this dialog box to view information about version and build date.

Help Displays the online help for IFS Business Analytics.

Login This is used to log in to IFS Business Analytics. If you have already logged into the application the user name will be shown here. By clicking the downward arrow, you can re-login to the application.

Report Book Toolbar

Report Book Toolbar Icon Link Option Description
Go to Report

Go to Report Use this option to switch to the Report mode where you can view any executed report.
Run Run Starts the report execution process.
Report Book

Report Book Opens the Report Book section of the pane.

Parameters Opens the Parameters subsection of the Report Book pane. It is possible to enter parameters for the report here.
Filter Criteria

Filter Criteria Opens the Filter Criteria subsection of the Report Book pane. It is possible to enter filter criteria for the report book level.

Sheet Opens the Report Sheet section of the pane. It is also possible to enter a filter criteria for a report sheet.

Grid Opens the Report Grid pane.

Row Use this option to display all design rows in the report in the Design Row list. You can use this list to select a specific design row

Column Use this option to display all design columns in the report in the Design Column list. You can use this list to select a specific design column.

Cell Use this option to display all design cells in the report in the Design Cell list. You can use this list to select a specific design cell.