[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Publish Report


This activity is used to make a report public. Any report that is made public can be ordered through IFS Info Services.


In order to access a publicized report you must be an authenticated user.

System Effects


Related Process Model

Publicize Report

Related Activity

Save Report


  1. Create a report.
  2. Click Publish Report.
  3. Enter the Report Id and Report Name in the Save and Publish Report dialog box if you want to directly publish a report. 
  4. Select a published report to choose a report for publication from the Publish Report Dialog box. The selected report's name and description is displayed at the bottom of the Publish Report dialog box.
  5. Click Publish to publish the report.

Note: If you want to republish an existing report with any new changes you have made, then you must first manually unpublish the report using Unpublish button in the Save and Publish Report window, and after that publish the report using the same title again. Please note that, all the schedules of the report in IFS EE will be removed when unpublishing a report. User will have to set all the schedules again, after republishing.

Publish for BA Access Only

A report can be published for access via IFS Business Analytics only, by selecting the check box Publish for BA Access Only in options. This functionality allows a report designer to analyze performance of an IFS Business Analytics report prior to publishing it in IFS Info Services for general access. In order to run the report, use the Order Report dialog box in the End User Mode.