[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]


Repeaters are used to repeat e.g. rows and columns in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. A row/column will be repeated based on the display item selected for the repeater. For example, if the row repeater selected is account, then the report will display all the accounts available in the database It is possible to define several repeating levels for the same repeater.  

Type of Repeaters

There are four types of repeaters supported by IFS Business Analytics:

  1. Inner Repeaters: An inner level repeater should always be defined within an outer level repeater. The main purpose of using an inner repeater is to repeatedly generate information within an existing repeater. For example, company A has account groups 1,2,3 and each account group includes accounts within them. You first apply an repeater to show the account groups and then assign another repeater within that repeater to show information about the accounts.
  2. Outer Repeaters: The outer repeater is the repeater which contains the inner repeater.
  3. Structure Repeaters: The structure repeater reports are based on defined structures in IFS Applications.
  4. Sheet Repeaters: The sheet repeater reports display the selected display item in worksheets according the report design.

Repeater Components

Select Repeater
Use this to select the repeaters to be used.

Start Repeater
Use this area to initiate the starting point of the repeater.

Stop Repeater
Use this area to initiate to ending point of the repeater.

All Repeater
Selecting this option denotes that all the basic display items which fulfill the filter criteria will be used in the repeating process.

Sort Repeater
Use this option to select the order in which you require information to be displayed in the execution mode.


Apply Repeaters

Apply Structure Repeaters

Apply Sheet Repeater