Remove Superfluous Tasks


Use this activity to remove any tasks previously included in the work scope that no longer need to be performed due to changes in the part structure. Normally this would occur after a different part found scenario.

The program provides information about the parts that have been marked as removed from the Off Structure and have tasks included in the work scope. Utilizing this information and examining the tasks that now may be removed can be done in the Change Work Scope Tasks window. A list of all the parts can be viewed in the Superfluous Tasks tab. In this tab select the serial part number that is no longer located at the anticipated position in the structure right-click and click the Remove All Tasks For Serial option. As a result, all tasks connected to the selected serial and all affected parts on the tasks connected will be removed from the work scope.


System Effects

The work scope for the overhaul object is modified to reflect the changes in the structure.


Define Work Scope
Change Work Scope Tasks

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope 
Define Work Scope/Superfluous Tasks
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Serial Structure
Define Work Scope/Work Scope Tasks

Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Base Line
Change Work Scope Tasks/Superfluous Tasks


Set Maintenance Level (Assign Maintenance Level):

  1. Open Define Work Scope window and select the appropriate work order for which you want to remove superfluous tasks for. Alternatively, you can use the Change Work Scope Tasks window and query (F3) for your work order.
  2. Click the Superfluous Tasks tab and select the part you wish to investigate.
  3. Right-click and select the Remove All Tasks For Serial option. This will remove all tasks and affected parts on those tasks for the selected serial.
  4. Reset the maintenance level of the work scope if the need is required.