Task Sign Off


Use this activity to sign off tasks related to modifications or life limited parts. This activity is used when modification or LLP tasks in repair shop orders are completed. Since there is no single status to determine completion of work done on a repair shop order, you have to look into product status, material status and operation status. If the product status is Completely Received, material status is Completely Issued and operation status is Completely Reported, then the task is complete.

However, the task need not be complete to be signed off.


System Effects


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Task Sign Off
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Work Scope Tasks
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Task Details


  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. Select the work order number for your work order part by populating(F2) or by making a selective query(F3).
  3. Click the Task Sign Off tab.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the row, then click Sign Off Task. If the sign off is completed, then the Signed Off check box will be selected.