Perform Preliminary Conformance Check


This activity is used to perform a preliminary conformance check on the selected assembly shop order. Once disassembly or disposition of the structure or sub-structure is completed, the preliminary conformance check can be run to validate the structure for assembly. When this check is executed, the expected on-log is created or updated with the serials that are reserved on the level below the selected assembly shop order. The system will check if this expected on-log structure is in conformance with the given configuration rules.

In order to validate the assembly setup for the entire overhaul object structure (i.e., create/update the expected on-log with the reserved serials), you need to perform the preliminary conformance check on each assembly shop order in the work scope. This check can be performed on an assembly shop order as many times as you want until the assembly shop order is completely received. Furthermore, at the first issue of material on an assembly shop order, the preliminary conformance check will be executed automatically. This is done to ensure that the expected on-log structure is created and is up-to-date with the latest shop visit activities. Once the last assembly shop order is finished the expected on-log will be closed.

The following table shows the valid error categories used to identify the type of error for the generated records:

Error Category Description
Alternates Violation
  • The part with a part number and a serial number is not a prime part or valid alternate that can be installed in a certain structure position in the structure.
  • The part revision does not meet the requirements for interchangeability as set by the interchangeability rule.
Missing Minimum Config Part The structure is not complete. It does not match the minimum configuration defined in the template standard structure. The part is missing in the current serial structure.
Missing Serial Number The structure is not complete. The serial number is missing for the part with a part number.
Dependency Violations The part with a part number and serial number installed in a certain structure position does not fulfill its required dependencies against another structure position. Note: Any violations found through the preliminary conformance check will not be recorded as an entry in the preliminary conformance log. An error message is displayed instead and you will not be allowed to continue with the assembly shop order until the error is corrected. If a dependency violation exists for a part, the expected on-log will not be updated with this part.
Remaining Life Too Short
  • The remaining life for the LLP that is included in the work scope (or for its replacement) does not meet the requirement for minimum release life as set in Task Summary/LLPs.
  • The remaining life for the LLP that is not included in the work scope, for instance, the replacement for a scrapped LLP which is a different LLP part taken from inventory, does not meet the requirement for minimum release life as defined in Shop Visit/Visit Defaults/Min Release Life Definition.
Modification Not Complied on Assigned Part There are no history records for the assigned serial with a part number and serial number for the compliance of a modification (illustrated by the values in the Modification Code and Modification Revision fields.)
Modification Not Decomplied on Assigned Part There are no history records for the assigned serial with a part number and serial number for the decompliance of a modification (illustrated by the values in the Modification Code and Modification Revision fields.)
Modification Not Complied on Affected Part There are no history records for the affected serial with an affected part number and a affected serial number for the compliance of a modification (illustrated by the values in the Modification Code and Modification Revision fields.)
Modification Not Decomplied on Affected Part There are no history records for the affected serial with an affected part number and a affected serial number for the decompliance of a modification (illustrated by the values in the Modification Code and Modification Revision fields.)
Missing On Exposure Modification The On Exposure Modification for the disassembled serial(s) is not included in the relevant work scope.
Missing On Repair Modification The On Repair Modification for the serial(s) is not included in the relevant work scope.
Missing On Scrap Modification The On Scrap Modification for the serial(s) is not included in the relevant work scope.
Invalid Structure Status The operational status (Planned For Operation) of the serial structure is invalid.
Unresolved Mismatches Structure mismatches exist.
Serial does not exist in VIM The serial does not exist in IFS/Vehicle Information Information Management.
General LLP Problem
  • The number of repairs exceed the maximum number of repairs allowed on the serial.
  • The life of the serial has expired.
  • Life limits are not defined for the operational parameters on the serial.
  • Stress ratings are not defined on the serial.
  • A manufactured date is not defined on the life limited serial.
Overdue Mandatory Modifications Overdue mandatory modifications exist.

Any differences found are recorded in the preliminary conformance log as warnings. These log entries are created as approved warnings, and will be available for informational purposes. Once the MRO work order for the work scope reaches the Work Done status, associated preliminary conformance log entries will be removed automatically.


System Effects


CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
CAMRO Interim Order Structure/Tree Structure/Supply Orders
Preliminary Conformance Log


  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query (F3) for your complex assembly work order number.
  2. Click the Tree Structure tab and then click the Assembly tab to view the available assembly orders for the structure or sub-structure on which disassembly and disposition have been completed.
  3. In the graphical object structure available in this tab, select the assembly order you want.
  4. Next, click the Supply Orders tab.
  5. Select the row that holds the assembly shop order you want, right-click, and then click Run Preliminary Conformance Check.
    Alternatively, you can choose to perform this activity by right-clicking on a specific assembly order in the graphical object structure, and then clicking Run Preliminary Conformance Check.
  6. If any warnings were generated during the execution of this preliminary conformance check, these can be viewed in one of the following windows: Preliminary Conformance Log, CAMRO Interim Order Structure/Prelim. Conformance Log and MRO Shop Order/Prelim. Conformance Log.