Calculate Eco-footprint - All Parts

[About Eco-footprint Calculation]

[To Eco-footprint Impact Estimation]


Use this dialog box to execute a part eco-footprint calculation for several parts at a time. The emission calculation is performed for a specific site. It is the Effective Date that controls which revision to base the calculations on, i.e. the revision valid for the entered Effective Date will be used for the calculation. If this dialog box is used to execute the calculations, then it is only Struct Alt * and Rout Alt * that are taken in to consideration for all parts. An option does not exist to select Struct Alt and Rout Alt.

You can also use this dialog box to make the calculation an automated recurrent event. The calculation is performed as a background job. If the structure is in the Plannable status, the structure of the part is also calculated.

Activity Diagrams

Eco-footprint calculation


Calculate eco-footprint for all parts