Requirements for Eco-footprint

[About Eco-footprint Requirements]

[To Eco-footprint Impact Estimation]


Use this window to define the requirements of specific environmental concerns, listing out the regulated substances, their threshold levels and the impact of those on the environment as given by formal regulations that limit the amount of hazardous substance emission. Parts can be analyzed without any knowledge about the weight of an included substance and also the regulated substances can be listed with zero threshold.

Upon analyzing, the parts that violate the specified requirements will be shown as non-conforming parts, along with the top parts/end items that they belong to. You can also study the material declaration quality for sub-parts included in a non-conforming top part in order to get an understanding of the extent to which reliable information exists for the regulated substances.

If you have parts with very long lifecycles, then it would be necessary to save revisions of a specific requirement since the characteristic for the part could be changed several times during its lifecycle and/or government regulations could be changed or updated. In order to handle this kind of change over time and to be able to follow-up you can create revisions of a specific requirement id.

Sometimes it is just one or a selection of parts of interest and hence it is unnecessary to execute the analysis for all parts. If you have a huge number of parts in your database, then you can choose which parts to include in the analysis in order to get improved performance and quicker response time. You can also control which part revision to analyze by selecting an effective date in the time range when the revision in focus is phased in/released.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Regulated Substances, Part Included in Analysis, Non Conforming Parts, Non Conforming Top Parts, Analyze Parts, Journal

Activity Diagrams

Requirement Analyze


Create Requirement ID
Perform Analysis
Clear Requirement Analysis
List Regulated Substances
Analyze Parts