Define Periods and Displayed Rates


Use this function to select which salary periods and pay frequencies that should be available to the user when registering salary information. Use this function also to select which rates that should be automatically calculated and displayed in the Employee/Compensation/Salary window.

Rate, the equivalent salary amount calculated for the specific time base. E.g., the annual salary displayed in the equivalent hourly rate.

Pay frequency, the pay slip interval.

Salary period, the period related to the salary amount. 

Rates, pay frequency and salary periods are all chosen from the same "salary time base" list box. The time bases are predefined and consist of the following:

Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Semimonthly, Monthly, Annually

E.g., if you select the Monthly time base and tick all three boxes, the monthly rate will be displayed in the Employee Files, the Pay Frequency list box will contain the Monthly choice, and the Salary Period list box will contain the Monthly choice.

Note! The rate displayed in the Employee Files/Compensation/Salary window will only be calculated if there is an agreement linked to the employee, which include the necessary work time information.

System Effects

The selections control the content of the List of Values and list boxes for salary period and pay frequency. A selected 'display rate' will automatically pop up in the 'Rates' frame in the Employee/Compensation/Salary window . 


Salary Rate, Frequency and Period

Related Window Descriptions

Salary Rate, Frequency and Period


Select a Time Base and tick the appropriate checkboxes.