Extend Employment Period


This activity is used to extend or reinstate an employment period of an employee.

If there is both a current and a future employment period registered, then you will only be able to extend the future period. 


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Extend Employment

Related Window Descriptions

Extend Employment


  1. Open the Extend Employment wizard.
  2. In the Emp ID field, enter the employee whose employment you want to extend.
  3. In the New End Date field, enter the date on which the employment should end. The new end date must be later than the old end date.
  4. Click Next.

    Optional: If there is information regarding termination of selected employment, an additional assistant step will appear. If there is no such information, go to step 7.
  5. Review termination data. Any field can be changed or cleared if information is no logner valid.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The status currently assigned to the employee is visible in the Current Status field. You set a new one in the table below.
    By default, the new status will be the the same as the current status and assigned from the current (system) date. You can change it by altering the Valid From and Employee Status fields.
  8. If you want the status to change over time, you can add more records, in each one specifying what the new status should be and from when it should be valid.
  9. Click Finish.