Group Employee Assignment


This activity is used to give or change assignments of multiple employees at once.

The activity allows to change/create following secondary and primary assignments:

Old assignments can be modified during the process.

The activity can be used for a single employee as well.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an employee or a group of employees will receive new assignments. Their old assignments might be changed as well.


Group Employee Assignments

Related Window Descriptions

Group Employee Assignments


  1. Open the Group Employee Assignments assistant. Following options are available:
  2. Select employees who will have their assignments changed.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the New Organization Assignment/s table, you can add new organization assignments that will be created for all employees. If you do not want to create any assignments, skip to step 14.
  5. In the Structure ID field, enter the ID of a structure (a multi-company matrix structure or company structure) to which employees will be assigned.
  6. In the Organization Code field, enter the ID of the organization unit to which employees will be assigned.
  7. In the Position ID field, enter the ID of the position which will be assigned to the employees.
    Note: Positions are not mandatory for secondary assignments.
  8. In the Assignment Type field, you can select a relevant assignment type. Values available depend on the application setup.
  9. In the Role ID field, enter a self-access role. It determines what access rights will the employees have in regards to their own data (display, modification, authorization etc.)
  10. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter the validity period of the new assignment.
  11. In the Set As field, select what assignment type you have defined and what will happen to previous/current employee assignments.
    Following values are available:
  12. If you selected New primary assignment. Old primary assignment to become secondary in step 11, you can define when the previous primary assignment will end by filling in the End Date of Temp Secondary Assignment.
  13. If you want to add more assignments go to step 4.
  14. In the New Job Assignment/s table, you can select jobs that will be given to all employees. If you do not want to assign any jobs, go to step 20.
  15. In the Company ID field, enter the ID of a company - employees who belong to that company will be given a new job.
    Note: If your employee selection (step 2) has employees from multiple companies, members of other companies will later show errors in the assistant. This is because jobs are company specific. These errors can be ignored but note that such employees will have the job assigned.
  16. In the Job ID field, enter the ID of the job that you want to assign to the selected employees.
  17. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter the validity period of the job assignment.
  18. In the Set As field, select what type of an assignment this is going to be and what will happen to previous job assignments.
  19. If you want to assign more jobs, go to step 14.
  20. Once you are done creating jobs and assignments, click Finish and go to step 23.
    If in steps 11 or 18 you have selected the New secondary assignment. Old selected secondary assignments will end option, go to step 21.
  21. The assistant will show you all current jobs and employment assignments held by the employees. End the assignments by selecting the Change check box. Assignments that have it selected will have their validity date changed to expire when the new assignment begins.
    : You can change only one assignment per employee.
  22. Click Finish.
  23. In the final step, the assistant will show you the status of new assignments. If there were any problems, errors and warnings will appear - both indicate that the assignment was unsuccessful.
    Note: You can review this information at any time in the Group Employee Assignments Log window.
  24. Click OK.