Register Additional Pay Type Period


This activity is used to register the periods used for additional pay information. The pay type period is mandatory when additional pay information, e.g., bonus and commissions are registered for employees in the Employee Files/Compensation/Additional Pay tab.


Period       Start                End

2003 Q1    2003-JAN-01    2003-MAR-31


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Additional Pay Type Period

Related Window Descriptions

Additional Pay Type Period


  1. Open the Additional Pay Type Period window and create a new record.
  2. In the Pay Type Period field, enter an identifier for the period.
  3. Enter the date range for which the pay type period is applicable using the Start Date and End Date fields.
  4. If required, you can set already defined additional pay type periods to obsolete by selecting the Obsolete check box.