View Employee Seniority Information


This activity is used to view the seniority of employees. The seniority is calculated in years, months and days based on the criteria specified in each seniority set-up.


In order to perform this activity, the seniority set-ups should be defined in the Seniority Setup window with the required criteria.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Seniority of Employees

Related Window Descriptions

Seniority of Employees


  1. Open the Seniority of Employees window.
  2. Populate or query to select an employee.
  3. In the Date field, select the date for which you want to view the calculated seniority of the employee.
  4. The seniority set-ups will be listed in the table of the window. The seniority of the employee as per the criteria in each set-up will be shown in the years, months and days fields.