Define Objectives and Activities for Employees


This activity is used to define new objectives and activities for employees. Employee performance can be evaluated by monitoring and rating the progress of employees for each activity and objective.

Note: Objectives are company dependent and can be modified and assigned to employees. Objectives can be directly used for measuring employee performance or they may be connected to activities. If activities are defined, employee performance measurement can also be evaluated at the activity level.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Predefined Objectives and Activities

Related Window Descriptions

Predefined Objectives and Activities


  1. Open the Predefined Objectives and Activities window and create a new record.
  2. In the Objective ID field, enter the ID for an objective.
  3. Enter a description in the Objective Description field.
  4. In the Target field, enter or modify the value for a target.
  5. Save the information.
  6. If there are activities associated with the objective, you have the option of defining them in the table window. Create a new record in the table and specify an ID for the activity in the Activity ID field.
  7. Enter a description in the Activity Description field.
  8. In the Target field, enter a target value.
  9. Select the Default check box, if the activity should get assigned to employees automatically when the objective is assigned (using the Connect Objective to Multiple Employees right-click option).
  10. Save the information.