Add Spare Part List to Object


Use this activity to connect a detached spare part list to an object. The detached spare part header (which is yet again a dummy part) is defined in IFS/Inventory in the same way as regular spare parts. Spare parts are connected to the header to form a list in IFS/Equipment. The connected detached spare part list can be copied to a Separate PM Action or a Separate Work Order.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a detached spare part list is connected to an object. The object's spare part list can be updated whenever necessary.


Functional Object
Serial Object

Related Window Descriptions

Functional Object Information
Serial Object Information


  1. Open the Functional Object or Serial Object window and click the Spare Parts tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Part No. field, use the List of Values to select a detached spare part list.
  4. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the part list.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Note: Use the following procedure to add spare parts to the spare part list:

  1. Select the row containing the information on the spare part list.
  2. Right-click and click Detached Spare Part List. The Detached Spare Part List window opens and you can add spare parts to the spare part list.