Copy Serial Object


Use this activity to create a new serial object by copying an existing one. You can also choose to copy a quantity of information previously associated with the object to be copied. This can be information such as spare parts, parameters, documents, technical data, test points, and PM.


The serial object to be copied must have been retrieved in the window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a serial equipment object is copied. You can make new entries with the object throughout the system.


Serial Object

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Object 
Copy Serial Object


  1. Open the Objects or Serial Object window and select the object you want to copy.
  2. Right-click and click one of the following options depending on which window you have opened.
  1. The Copy Serial Object dialog box appears. The New Site field displays the site of the object that the information is copied from. Click List to select another site that the user is connected to, if appropriate.
  2. In the New Object ID field, enter an identity for the new object. You can also click List to select an existing object.
  3. In the Part No field, the part number of the serial object to be copied is displayed. Click List to select another part number, if appropriate. 
  4. In the Serial No field, enter a specific design or manufacturing number that is to be associated with the object.
  5. In the Should Belong to Object ID field, enter the location of the new object in the object structure by specifying the superior equipment object, if appropriate.
  6. In the Copy Options area, indicate by selecting the appropriate checkbox as to which of the following information is to be copied: Spare Parts, Parameters, Documents, Parties, Technical Data, Test Points, PM.
  7. Click OK.